Latin synonyms, with their different significations:
and examples taken from the best Latin authors,
by M.J.B. Gardin Dumesnil ... Tr. into English, with additions and corrections, by the Rev. J.M. Gosset.
APA Citation
Gardin Dumesnil, J. B. (Jean Baptiste)., Gossett, J. M. (1825). Latin synonyms, with their different significations: and examples taken from the best Latin authors. 3d. ed. London: Printed for G.B. Whittaker [etc.].
MLA Citation
Gardin Dumesnil, J. B. (Jean Baptiste), 1720-1802, and J. M Gossett. Latin Synonyms, With Their Different Significations: And Examples Taken From the Best Latin Authors. 3d. ed. London: Printed for G.B. Whittaker [etc.], 1825.