Report of the Commission to investigate the surface railroad situation in the city of New York, on the west side,
appointed under chapter 720 of the laws of 1917. Transmitted to the governor and Legislature January 31, 1918.
- Language(s)
- Published
Albany, J.B. Lyon cmpany, printers, 1918.
- Note
Appendix[es]: I. Report of Mr. Amos Schaeffer outlining the engineering and economic aspects of a comprehensive terminal system.--II. Supporting data and statistical materials showing the need for a well planned and comprehensive terminal system.--III. Legislative measure proposed and recommended.--IV. Report of proceedings of public hearing of the commission.
Running title: Report of Investigation commission west side railroad situation.
Wm. H. Van Benschoten, chairman.
- Physical Description
639 p.
fold. map.
23 cm.
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Princeton University