Orientalische Bibliographie.
- Language(s)
- Published
Berlin, Reuther & Reichard.
- Note
No more published?
This Bibligraphy together with Zenker's "Bibliotheca orientalis" 1846-61; "Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht über die morgenländischen Studien", 1859-81; Frederici, "Bibliotheca orientalis", 1876-83; and "Literaturblatt für orientalische Philologie", 1883-86, forms a continuous record of oriental philology.
Editors: 1887-91, A. Müller; 1892-94, E. Kuhn; 1895-1926, L. Scherman.
Vols. for 1904-05, 1909/10 have title in English: Oriental bibliography.
Subventioned variously by the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, American Oriental Society, and other similar organizations
Vol. for 1926 called first part.
- Physical Description
26 v.
23 cm.
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