Deutschlands Kunstschätze :
eine Sammlung der hervorragendsten Bilder der Berliner, Dresdener, Münchener, Wiener, Casseler und Braunschweiger Galerien /
mit erläuterndem Text von Adolph Görling ; und eine Reihe von Portraits der bedeutendsten Meister, mit biographischen Notizen von Alfred Woltmann und Bruno Meyer.
- Related Names
Payne, A. H. (Albert Henry), 1812-1902.
French, William, 1815-1898.
Meyer, Bruno, b. 1840.
Woltmann, Alfred, 1841-1880.
Görling, Adolph, 1821-1877.
- Language(s)
- Published
Leipzig : Verlag von A.H. Payne, 1871-1872
- Note
Parts issue: Each part (Heft) issued in illustrated tan paper covers. Prospectus on p. [4] of covers of pt. 1; publisher's advertisements on p. [4] of covers of pts. 2-53. Additional publisher's advertisements ([2] p.) laid in pt. 46; correction slip in pt. 47.
Illustrations: 244 prints : steel engraving ; full-page. Reproductions of paintings, engraved by W. French, A.H. Payne and others, after various artists. Legends in German and English. -- 81 prints : wood engraving ; full-page. Ports. to the biographies (4 additional ports. are steel engravings).
Vol. 1: [1], iv, 160 p., [60] leaves of plates; [3], 80 p., [21] leaves of plates; v. 2: [6], 148 p., [60] leaves of plates; [2], 80 p., [20] leaves of plates; v. 3: [6], 155 p., [60] leaves of plates; [2], 75 p., [15] leaves of plates; v. 4: [4], 140 p., [60] leaves of plates; [2], 85 p., [29] leaves of plates..
Each vol. consists of "Novellistischer Theil" and "Biographischer Theil," paged separately.
Other title information on covers and cancelland t.p.reads: Eine Sammlung der hervorragendsten Bilder der Berliner, Dresdner, Münchner und Wiener Galerien
Originally issued in ca. 80 pts., 1870-1872. Cancelland t.p. to v. 1, dated 1870, issued with pt. 1; cancel t.p., other prelims. and instructions for the binder for v. 1 in pt. 28; t.p. to v. 2 in pt. 40, other prelims. and instructions for the binder in pt. 50.
- Physical Description
4 v. :
ill., ports. ;
32 cm.
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