The debate between pride and lowliness:
by Francis Thynn. Reprinted from the edition by John Charlwood. With an introduction and notes, by J. Payne Collier.
- Related Names
T. F.
T., F.
Collier, John Payne, 1789-1883, editor.
Thynne, Francis, 1545?-1608, supposed author.
Collier, John Payne, 1789-1883, ed.
- Language(s)
- Published
London, Printed for the Shakespeare society, 1841.
- Note
Attributed to Thynne by Collier; Furnivall says there is no reason for assigning it to him. cf. Dict. nat. biog. and Introd. to Francis Thynne, Animaduersions uppon ... Chaucer's workes. London, 1876.
With reproduction of original t.-p.: The debate between Pride and Lowlines, pleaded in an issue in Assise: And howe a Jurie with great indifferencie being impannelled, and redy to haue geuen their verdict, were straungely intercepted, no lesse pleasant than profitable. F. T. ... Imprinted at London, by Ihon Charlwood, for Ralfe Newbery, dwelling in Fleete-strete, a little aboue the Condite.
- Physical Description
xvi, 87 p.
22 cm.