The cvstvmers apology.
That is to say, a generall answere to informers of all sortes, and their iniurious complaints, against the honest reputation of the collectors of her Maiesties cvstvmers, specially in the ovt-portes of this realme. Written onely for vnderstanding readers and wise in highest avthoritie, to reade and discerne by, alwaies prouided, in reading reade all, or nothing at all.
APA Citation
Milles, T. (Thomas). (1599). The cvstvmers apology: That is to say, a generall answere to informers of all sortes, and their iniurious complaints, against the honest reputation of the collectors of her Maiesties cvstvmers, specially in the ovt-portes of this realme. Written onely for vnderstanding readers and wise in highest avthoritie, to reade and discerne by, alwaies prouided, in reading reade all, or nothing at all. [n.p.].
MLA Citation
Milles, Tho. (Thomas), 1550?-1627?. The Cvstvmers Apology: That Is to Say, a Generall Answere to Informers of All Sortes, And Their Iniurious Complaints, Against the Honest Reputation of the Collectors of Her Maiesties Cvstvmers, Specially In the Ovt-portes of This Realme. Written Onely for Vnderstanding Readers And Wise In Highest Avthoritie, to Reade And Discerne By, Alwaies Prouided, In Reading Reade All, Or Nothing At All. [n.p.], 1599.