Chronica de Susenyos, rei de Ethiopia ...
Destinado á X sessão do Congresso internacional dos orientalistas,
por F.M. Esteves Pereira ...
- Language(s)
Ethiopic ; Portuguese
- Published
Lisboa, Imprensa nacional, 1892-1900.
- Summary
The chronicle, ed. from a photographic facsimile of the only known manuscript in the Bodleiana (Cod. aethiop. XXX, fol. 1-75) was begun by Abba Meherka Dengel, continued by Takla Selase, surnamed Tino, secretary of the negus, and completed by an unknown author.
- Note
At head of title: Sociedade de geographia de Lisboa.
The chronicle, ed. from a photographic facsimile of the only known manuscript in the Bodleiana (Cod. aethiop. XXX, fol. 1-75) was begun by Abba Meherka Dengel, continued by Takla Selase, surnamed Tino, secretary of the negus, and completed by an unknown author.
- Physical Description
2 v.
26 cm.