Water resources management on the U.S.-Mexico Border =
Manejo de recursos hídricos en la Frontera México-EE.UU. /
Good Neighbor Environmental Board=Junta Ambiental del Buen Vecino.
- Language(s)
English ; Spanish
- Published
[Washington, D.C.] : GNEB, the Good Neighbor Environmental Board, 2005.
- Note
Dual pagination for English and Spanish versions.
"February 2005"
Cover title.
"EPA-130-R-05-001"--P. [2] of cover.
On spine: Eighth report to the President and the Congress of the United States; Octavo informe de la junta ambiental del buen vecino al Presidente y al Congreso de los Estados Unidos.
Also available via the World Wide Web.
- Physical Description
iv, 57, iv, 60 p. :
ill., maps ;
28 cm.
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University of Texas at Austin