Real estate statistics for Allegheny county, 1935-1936 :
a summary of real estate statistics collected by the Real estate survey, a federal Works progress administration project initiated and supervised by the Bureau of business research and sponsored by the City planning commission of Pittsburgh.
APA Citation
University of Pittsburgh. Bureau of Business Research. (1937). Real estate statistics for Allegheny county, 1935-1936: a summary of real estate statistics collected by the Real estate survey, a federal Works progress administration project initiated and supervised by the Bureau of business research and sponsored by the City planning commission of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Bureau of Business Research, University of Pittsburgh.
MLA Citation
University of Pittsburgh. Bureau of Business Research. Real Estate Statistics for Allegheny County, 1935-1936: a Summary of Real Estate Statistics Collected by the Real Estate Survey, a Federal Works Progress Administration Project Initiated And Supervised by the Bureau of Business Research And Sponsored by the City Planning Commission of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Bureau of Business Research, University of Pittsburgh, 1937.