General statistics of cities:
1916, including statistics of parks, playgrounds, museums and art galleries, zoological collections, music and entertainments, swimming pools and bathing beaches, and other features of the recreation service.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, Govt. print. off., 1917.
- Note
"Prepared under the supervision of Starke M. Grogan, chief statistician for statistics of states and cities; Arthur J. Hirsch, chief of division; Lemuel A. Carruthers, expert special agent; and A.H.O. Rolle. The text discussion was prepared under the immediate supervision of Morris J. Hole."--"Letter of transmittal", p. 5.
At head of title: Department of commerce. Bureau of the census. Sam. L. Rogers, director.
- Physical Description
88 p.
incl. tables, diagr. maps (1 fold.)
31 cm.