Lethal dietary toxicities of environmental pollutants to birds /
by Elwood F. Hill [and others].
- Related Names
Hill, Elwood F.
- Language(s)
- English
- Published
Washington : U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1975.
- Subjects
Pesticides /
Pesticides and wildlife
Game and game-birds > Game and game-birds / Effect of pesticides on
Game and game-birds > Game and game-birds / Diseases
Environmental toxicology
Birds > Birds / Diseases
Veterinary toxicology
chemical pollution.
Wild birds.
Game birds.
Environmental Pollution
Bird Diseases
Game and game-birds > Game and game-birds / Effect of pesticides on.
Game and game-birds > Game and game-birds / Diseases.
Pollutants > Pollutants / Toxicology.
Pesticides > Pesticides / Toxicology.
Pesticides and wildlife.
Veterinary toxicology.
Birds > Birds / Diseases.
Game and game-birds > Game and game-birds / Effect of pesticides on.
Game and game-birds > Game and game-birds / Diseases.
Environmental toxicology.
Pesticides > Pesticides / Toxicology.
Pesticides and wildlife.
- Summary
Certain classes of pesticides -- organochlorine compounds, organophosphates and organometallic compounds -- contained most of the compounds judged "highly toxic". The most frequent order of species response was bobwhite > Japanese quail > ring-necked pheasant > mallard. This order correlates with their body sizes at the ages tested
A total of 131 compounds were tested. Toxicities are expressed as median lethal dietary concentrations (LD50) and are based on 5 days of dietary exposure to the test compound followed by 3 days of untreated feed. From these data statistical comparisons between toxicities are possible for a given species.
This report is a compilation and analysis of the results of nearly 10 years of testing the lethal dietary toxicities of pesticidal and industrial chemicals to young bobwhites (Colinus virginianus), Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica), ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus), and mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)
- Note
Chiefly tables.
- Physical Description
iv, 61 pages ;
26 cm.
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