Daftar-i duvvum-i Rawz̤at al-ṣafāʼ,
[1241, i.e. 1826].
دفتر دوم روضه الصفا, [1241ه, 1826م].
- Language(s)
- Published
- Subjects
Muḥammad, /
Muḥammad, / Prophet, /
Muḥammad, / Prophet, / -632 /
Early works to 1800.
Manuscripts, Persian
Manuscripts, Persian /
Manuscripts, Persian / Michigan /
Ann Arbor.
Islam /
Islam / History /
Early works to 1800.
World history
World history /
Early works to 1800.
Islamic Empire
Islamic Empire /
Islamic Empire / History /
Islamic Empire / History / 622-661 /
Early works to 1800.
- Summary
Fine copy of the second volume, addressing the Prophet and al-Khulafāʼ al-Rāshidūn, of the celebrated universal history Rawz̤at al-ṣafāʼ fī sīrat al-anbiyāʼ va al-mulūk va al-khulafāʼ by the Tīmūrid historian Muḥammad ibn Khvāndshāh Mīr Khvānd (d.1498).
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 860 v.2
Origin: As appears in colophon on p.1156 (and in inscription on inner front flyleaf, p.1), latter section (p.679 to close) copied by Sayyid Mihr ʻAlī ʻAẓīmābādī with transcription completed 19 Shawwāl 1241 [ca. 27 May 1826]. Opening section likely copied around the same time.
Accompanying materials: a. Slip with note "Persian MSS (Heyworth-Dunne?) with Meredith-Owens notes" -- b. Slip with note "12-29-65 Mr. Partington just brought in these 2 v. of MSS D" -- c. Scrap with note in black ink "Rawḍat al-Safā vol. 2 AH 1241"
Former shelfmark: Mich. Isl. Ms. temp. no. 9 v.2
Binding: Boards covered in light orange-brown leather decorated in "marbled calf" manner ; Western style binding ; pastedowns and flyleaves in a light-blue surface-dyed wove paper ; spine in dark green and brown leather, gold-stamped with decorative bands and title "ROOZUT OL SUFA 2" ; edges of text block red-flecked ; sewn in white thread over three recessed cords ; worked Western style endbands in fair condition with tailband detaching ; overall in fair condition with some abrasion and deterioration of leather, etc.
Support: non-European (likely Indian or Persian) laid paper of two main types ; opening type (carrying pp.9-678) with 8-9 laid lines per cm. (horizontal or vertical, somewhat indistinct, some curving) and chain lines irregularly visible, somewhat cloudy formation, thin and transluscent though sturdy, burnished, dark cream in color ; opening three leaves and leaves carrying p.679 to close mainly in a paper with 9 laid lines per cm. (vertical or horizontal, somewhat indistinct, curving) and no chain lines clearly visible, somewhat cloudy formation, sturdy, well-burnished, cream in color.
Decoration: Keywords and headings rubricated ; overlining and occasional textual dividers in the form of three dots also in red.
Script: Nastaʻlīq ; two main hands ; opening three leaves (pp.4-8) and final section (pp.679-1156) supplied in a fine hand in a medium line, serifless and compact with elements of shikastah, effect of words descending to baseline and tilt to the right, elongation of horizontal strokes, pointing in strokes rather than distinct dots ; text of pp.9-678 in another much finer nastaʻlīq, serifless and spacious with horizontal strokes in a heavy line, somewhat exaggerated contrast in thickness of horizontal and vertical strokes, effect of words gently descending to baseline, elongation of horizontal strokes, pointing mainly in distinct dots.
Layout: Written in 17 lines per page ; frame-ruled.
Collation: ii, IV+2 (10), 56 IV(458), IV+2 (468), 13 IV(572), III (578), ii ; almost exclusively quaternions ; middle of the quire marks in the form of oblique black strokes in the upper outer corner of the right-hand leaf and the lower outer corner of the left-hand leaf (through p.678) ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes flyleaves).
Colophon: "Scribal," reads "تم المجلد الثانی ... بتاریخ نوزدهم شهر شوال سنه ۱۲۴۱ یکهزار و دو صد و چهل و یک تحریر على ید المذنب المحتاج سید مهر علی عظیم آبادی غفر الله له وستر عیوبهم وسلم تسلیما ..."
Incipit: "عنوان صحیفه مرادات و فهرست مجموعه حادثات ..."
Title from inscription on inner flyleaf (p.1).
Ms. composite codex.
Inscription with title "Roozut ol Sufa | 2 d" on verso of front flyleaf ; inscription with title, script, description of contents for this volume, copyist "سید مهر علی عظیم آبادی" and date of transcription "نوزدهم شوال یکهزار و دو صد و چهل و یک" i.e. 19 Shawwāl 1241 [ca. 27 May 1826] on inner front flyleaf (p.1) ; occasional marginal corrections.
- Physical Description
578 leaves :
paper ;
225 x 155 (190 x 105) mm. bound to 232 x 170 mm
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University of Michigan