[al-Juzʼ al-khāmis ilá al-sābiʻ min kitāb Mukhtalaf al-Shīʻah fī aḥkām al-sharīʻah,
1039, i.e. 1629].
[الجزء الخامس الى السابع من كتاب مختلف الشيعة في احكام الشريعة, 1039ه، 1629م].
- Language(s)
- Published
[Iṣfahān], [1629]
- Summary
The final part (juzʼ 6 through juzʼ 7) of ʻAllāmah-i Ḥillī's work on interpretation and practice of Islamic law according to the Shīʻī Ithná ʻasharī school.
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 1011
Origin: As appears in final colophon on fol.335b, copied by ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan al-Khūrāsgānī [?] (علی بن محمد بن حسن الخوراسگانی) with transcription finished ("faragha taḥrīr hādhā al-kitāb...") on Monday 14th Rabīʻ II 1039 [ca. 1 December 1629]. Composition finished in Dhū al-Qaʻdah 708.
Former shelfmark: Mich. Isl. Ms. temp. no. 160
Accompanying materials: Long strip on blue tinted laid paper (single chain lines spaced 28 mm. apart; laid lines spaced roughly 8 laid lines per cm.) inserted between fol.216b-217a (p.432-33); bears statement of purchase/sale [?] dated Rajab 1240 [i.e. February-March 1825] in Persian along with seal impression.
Binding: Pasteboards covered in dark red-brown leather (goatskin); Type II (with flap); upper and lower covered bear simple border consisting of a frame of s-shaped stamps laid end to end (rather than interlocking) flanked by gold painted fillets; envelope flap bears simple border of gold painted fillets on envelope; doublures of soft grey-brown leather (very dirty); in fair condition, though upper board is delaminating and upper board cover is beginning to detach from spine.
Support: non-European (very likely Persian) laid paper with laid lines running vertically (roughly 7 laid lines per cm.) and sagging in some leaves, chain lines occasionally visible and running horizontally, but too difficult to see and measure; many inclusions; one side more highly burnished than the other; marks of burnisher's tool occasionally visible; page repairs (for a few leaves only) are supplied in a different laid paper (11 laid lines per cm.) with some minor loss of text.
Decoration: Text partially rubricated with section headings and markers such as مسئلة in red; lacking in latter part of text (final ten quires, see fol.257a/p.513) with blanks left where rubrics have gone unsupplied.
Script: Naskh; Persianate hand; occasional right-sloping serifs on free standing alif and lām of definite article, left sloping serifs on lām of lām alif ligature; mostly closed counters; kāf mashkūlah preferred; a few marginal corrections and glosses in nastaʻlīq; inscription on on inserted slip in shikastah.
Layout: Written in 23 lines per page; frame-ruled (impression of ruling board evident).
Collation: 41 IV (328), IV-1 (335); exclusively quaternions (including anomalous quaternion); catchwords present; blanks left for unsupplied rubrics in last fifteen quires; leaves left partially blank and unmarked between the azjāʼ (juzʼ 5-6 and juzʼ 6-7); pagination in pencil, Western numerals supplied in cataloguing.
Colophon: "Scribal," triangular, reads: "..رغ تحرير هذا الكتاب المسمى بمختلف الشيعة في احكام الشريعة [من اوله] الى اخره على يد الفقير المذنب المحتاج الى رحمة الله الملك العزيز العلام جل جلاله علي بن محمد بن حسن الخوراسكانى [؟] چى ... اصفهان عراقعجم في يوم الاثنين رابع عشر من شهر ربيع الثاني سنة تسع وثلاثين بعد الف من الهجرة تم تم تم"
Explicit: "وقد روى اصحابنا ان الساحر يقتل والوجه في هذه الرواية ان هذا من الساحر فساد في الارض والسعي فلذلك وجب فيه القتل والوجه ان نقول [ان كان؟] للسحر حقيقة يصح باعتبارها التاثير وجب القود [؟] والافلا و[وليكن هذا؟] اخر ما اوردنا اثباته في هذا الكتاب مقتصرين عليه حامدين لله تعالى على الائمة [؟] شاكرين على فواضل نعماته مصلين على سيد انبيائه محمد المصطفى وعلى المعصومين من ابنائه فرغت من تسويده خامس عشر [؟] شهر ذي القعده من سنة ثمان ووسبعمائة والحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيد المرسلين محمد النبي واله الطاهرين وكتبه العبد [الفقير الى؟] الله تعالى حسن بن يوسف بن مطهر المصنف والحمد لله وحده"
Incipit: "الفصل الرابع في العيوب والتدليس مسئلة قال الشيخ في الخلاف والمبسوط الرجل يفسخ بستة اشياء الجنون والجذام والبرص والرتق والقرن والافضاء ..."
Title supplied by cataloguer.
Ms. codex.
Several owners' marks throughout; partially obliterated ownership statement and oval seal impression in black ink on fol.1a; fully obliterated oval seal impression and inscription on fol.1a; two distinct oval seal impressions in black ink on fol.1b, the larger reading: "قاسم بن محمد تقي [?]" and the smaller reading: "محمد ابن قاسم"; seal impression on fol.335b reading: "عمر بن حسين بن محمد علي [؟] ...؟"; at least two different very small circular/oval seal impressions are found repeated in the lower outer corner of several leaves of the last fifteen quires, in many cases partially cut off or illegible (see fol.226b/p.452 and fol.285b/p.570); book prices in pencil on fol.1a; very few marginal corrections (some in hand of copyist, others in a different hand and script more approaching nastaʻlīq) and glosses.
- Physical Description
335 leaves :
paper ;
256 x 195 (180 x 130) mm. bound to 256 x 205 mm
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University of Michigan