[Min kalām ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib maʻa Matn Talkhīs al-Miftāḥ,
late 18th or 19th century?].
[من كلام علي بن ابي طالب مع متن تلخيص المفتاح, اواخر القرن 18م او القرن 19م؟].
- Language(s)
- Published
[1780 to 18--?]
- Subjects
ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib,
ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, /
ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, / Caliph, /
approximately 600-661
ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, / Caliph, / approximately 600-661 /
Manuscripts, Arabic
Manuscripts, Arabic /
Manuscripts, Arabic / Michigan /
Ann Arbor.
Arabic language
Arabic language /
Arabic language / Rhetoric /
Early works to 1800.
Maxims, Arabic
Maxims, Arabic /
Early works to 1800.
- Summary
Composite manuscript opening with maxims (amthāl) attributed to ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib and arranged in alphabetical order, followed by Talkhīṣ al-Miftāḥ, the abridgement of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Qazwīnī (d. 1338), Khaṭīb Dimashq, of the third part of Miftāḥ al-ʻulūm by Yūsuf ibn Abī Bakr al-Sakkākī (d. 626/1229) on rhetoric (ʻilm al-maʻānī wa-al-bayān).
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 944
Origin: As appears in colophon on p.235, second work copied by Sulaymān al-Khwājah ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khwājah al-Bujayrimī [al-Bujayramī] with date of completion not specified. Paper, hand, etc. would suggest late 18th or 19th century. Opening work lacks dated colophon ; paper suggests 19th century.
Former shelfmark: Mich. Isl. Ms. temp. no. 93
Binding: Boards covered in black cloth with black leather over spine (quarter binding) ; pastedowns and flyleaves in wove paper printed with a floral vegetal pattern in pink and green ; resewn in white thread, eight stations ; spine gold-stamped with title and decorative accents over raised bands "كلام علي ابن ابي طالب متن التلخيص" ; overall in fairly good condition with minor abrasion.
Support: European laid paper of two types ; opening type with 9 laid lines per cm. (horizontal), chain lines spaced 29 mm. apart (vertical), and traces of crescent in shield watermark (see pp.2, 6, 16, 20, Nikolaev no.959, Walz p.89), quite crisp though fairly thick and sturdy ; second type with 9-10 laid lines per cm. (horizontal), chain lines spaced 27 mm. apart (vertical), three crescents watermark (perpendicular to chains, see pp.26, 30-31, etc.), and "EA" [?] countermark (see pp.64, 68, etc.), well-burnished (some leaves to glossy), fairly sturdy, cream in color ; staining and tide lines.
Decoration: Keywords and section headings rubricated in second work (with text to be entered in red typically indicated in margins) ; some overlining in red.
Script: Naskh ; two main hands ; opening work in a clear though initially somewhat awkward hand in a medium line, partially but irregularly seriffed with effect of titlt to the left, curvilinear descenders, pointing in strokes rather than distinct dots ; second work in a clear, spacious hand (likely Egyptian with Turkish features) in a medium line, seriffed with right-sloping head-serifs on most ascenders (even free-standing alif), slight effect of tilt to the left, curvilinear descenders, pointing in strokes rather than distinct dots.
Layout: Written in 13 and 11 lines per page ; frame-ruled (impression of ruling board evident).
Collation: i, 11 V(110), IV (118), i ; almost exclusively quinions ; catchwords present ; quire numbering in the form of ك above Hindu-Arabic numeral in the upper outer margin of the opening recto of each quire in the second work ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.
Colophon: [Matn al-Talkhīṣ] "Scribal," triangular, reads "تم كتاب متن التلخيص بحمد الله وعونه على يد الفقير الى مولاه سليمان الخواجه ابن عبد الرحمن الخواجه البجيرمي وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم"
Explicit: [Min kalām ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib] "يسود المرء قوم بالاحسان اليهم ياس القلب راحة النفس تم بحمد الله وعونه وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم" ; [Matn al-Talkhīṣ] "واردة على احسن الوجوه واكملها يظهر ذلك بالشامل مع التذكر لما تقدم ان شاء الله تعالى"
Incipit: [Min kalām ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib] "قال علي عليه الرضوان إيمان المرء يعرف بأيمانه أخوك من وأوساك في الشدة إظاهر الغنى من الشكر ..." ; [Matn al-Talkhīṣ] "الحمد لله على ما انعم وعلم من البيان ما لم نعلم والصلوة على سيدنا محمد خير من نطق بالصواب ... اما بعد فلما كان علم البلاغة و توابعها من اجل العلوم قدرا و ادقها سرا ..."
Title supplied by cataloguer.
Ms. composite codex.
On upper pastedown label with ex libris of James Heyworth-Dunne (d.1974), stamped with inventory numbers, "Ex Libris | J. Heyworth-Dunne | D. Lit. (London) | No.7770 | No.7771" ; UM Library inscription on p.3 "Dunning | Heyworth-Dunne | 6-13-51 | 71955" ; extensive interlinear and marginal glosses (in second work in particular) ; occasional corrections.
- Physical Description
118 leaves :
paper ;
166 x 112 (119 x 69) mm. bound to 175 x 122 mm
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University of Michigan