- Language(s)
Turkish, Ottoman ; Arabic
- Published
[1686 or 1687]
- Summary
Elegant copy of a collection (majmūʻah / mecmua) of several brief treatises in Ottoman Turkish on spirits, sleep, dreams, the afterlife, etc. opening with a work by Ahmet Vecdi Efendi (d.1633), followed by a selection of poetry and excerpts in Arabic on assorted masāʼil, etc. Contributions to the cataloguing from Hossein Mottaghi.
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 419
Origin: Lacks detailed colophon though partially effaced patronage statements appear with each work, and the statement following the final work (p.168) is dated 1098 [1686 or 7].
Former shelfmark: "514 [?] T. De M. [i.e. Tammaro De Marinis]" inscribed in pencil on verso of front flyleaf.
Binding: Pasteboards covered in brown leather ; Type II binding (with flap) ; doublures and lining of envelope flap in marbled paper (mainly in red and brown) ; upper and lower covers carry tooled and gold-painted central ornament in a diamond shape (filled with crosshatch pattern) with rosette accents and stroke pendants, as well as tooled and gold-painted border in a series of s-shaped stamps with flanking fillets and rosette accents ; sewn in pink thread, two stations, failing ; worked chevron endbands in blue and yellow, only headband remains ; overall in fair condition with minor abrasion, lifting and losses of leather (mainly at fore edge flap), spine slant (slightly cocked), etc. ; repair to spine (rebacked) in cream textile.
Support: non-European laid paper of a few types ; mainly with 9 laid lines per cm. (horizontal or vertical, for most fairly distinct, some appearance of curving) and somewhat irregular chain lines (mainly single but with occasional groups of two) sometimes appearing about 25 mm. apart, cloudy formation, dark beige to light brown in color, fairly thin and transluscent, well-burnished ; another type with roughly 9 laid lines per cm. (fairly distinct) and occasional chain lines visible, typically tinted pale blue, mint green, pink or yellow, well-burnished.
Decoration: Superb illuminated headpiece (ʻunwān / sarlawḥ) at opening of each main work (see pp.8, 46, 58, 138), each consisting of a variation on a rectangular panel with gold cartouche (in one case carrying title, see p.58) surmounted by a semi-circular piece or dome overlaid with delicate floral and cloud motifs on grounds in gold and shades of dark and light blue with decorative bands and surmounting vertical stalks (tīgh) ; headings, keywords, excerpts, and abbreviation symbols (mainly two-teeth stroke overlining some keywords) rubricated ; headings in selection of poetry chrysographed ; textual dividers in the form of red inverted commas and gold discs ; occasional overlining in red ; written area and divisions within surrounded by narrow gold frame defined by black fillets.
Script: Nastaʻlīq (talik) and naskh ; elegant Ottoman hands in a medium line ; opening works (through p.148) in a fine nastaʻlīq/talik, serifless with effect of inclination to the right, slight effect of words descending to baseline, mainly curvilinear descenders, pointing mainly in strokes or conjoined dots ; final works in careful naskh, two clear Ottoman hands, opening hand (pp.152-157) mainly serifless, compact yet vertically elongated with dramatic inclination to the left, curvilinear descenders, open and closed counters, free assimilation of letters, pointing in strokes or distinct dots ; second hand (p.160 to close) partially but somewhat irregularly seriffed, spacious and neatly formed with slight tilt to the left, curvilinear descenders, many open counters, pointing in conjoined dots, partially vocalized.
Layout: Written in 21 lines per page ; frame-ruled.
Collation: iv, V(10), IV+1 (19), III (25), 4 V(65), II+3 (72), II (76), V (86) ; chiefly quinions ; final leaves and some pages between works left blank ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes added leaves serving as flyleaves at opening).
Incipit: [Rahatü'l-eşbah] "حمد بيحد و شكر لا يعد اول حي وقيومه كه حياتى سرمديه [؟] در آز الده ... وبعد بو اضعف العباد اعنى وجدى ناصراد ... ونامنه راحة الاشباح فى بيان الارواح ديدم ..." ; [Risale-yi Hakikat-i nevm] "يا واجب الوجود يا فائض الجود جناب عزتكدن مأمول وعالى حضرتكدن ... وبعد بو فقير وحقير اعنى وجدى پر تقصير دير كه وقتا كيم راحة الاشباح نام رساله نك تحريرندن فارغ اولدمسه مراد ايدندمكه حقيقت نوم ايله حقيقت رؤيا بياننده بر رساله تحرير وآنده انواع واقسام رؤيايى على طريق الاجمال تسطير ايدم ... دانى اوچ مقاله اوزرينه ترتيب ايلدم وبالله التوفيق ..." ; [Risale-yi Kutü'l-ervah] "منت اول خداي منانه مخصوصدر كه آدمك روحنى تشريف اضافت ونفخت فيه من روحى ايله جميع ارواحدن ممناز ايلدى ... اما بعد بو فقير دلداده اعنى وجدى افتاده دير كه بوندن اول بعض اخوان صفانك التماسلريله راحة الاشباح نامنده بر رساله مفيده تحرير وانده روح انسانى حقنده وآرده اولان اقاويله اجمالا تسطير ايتمشيدم ... قوت الارواح اسميله مسمى اولمغه ..." ; [treatise on eşbah, etc.] "نحمدك يا واجب الوجود ونشكرك يا ذا الفضل والجود ونصلى على حبيبك المصطفى وعلى آله وصحبه اهل الصفا وبعد بو فقيره تردد ايدن ياراندن [؟] ابراهيم چلبى ديمكله معروف وطلب علم ومعرفتله موصوف بر ياغار ورفيق وفادار ..."
Title supplied by cataloguer from opening matter on p.9.
Ms. codex.
Effaced statements on front flyleaf ("محمد بك..." etc.) ; birth notice on front flyleaf (among added leaves serving as flyleaves, p.2) with date 8 Ramaḍān 1234 [ca. 1 July 1819] and time (8 hours, 16 minutes) for a son, Seyit Ahmet İzzet Efendi (سيد احمد عزت افندى ) ; former owners' marks on 'title page' (p.7) include statement dated Jumādá I 1133 [March 1721] in name of Yusuf bin Abdullah (يوسف ابن عبد الله) statement reads "دخل في سلك افقر العباد واحوجهم الى الله سبحانه وتعالى يوسف ابن عبد الله عفي عنه آمين م جمادى الاول سنه ١١٣٣" and partially obscured statement and oval seal impression in name of one Mustafa [?] ; occasional notabilia (side-heads) marked with "مطلب" etc. often rubricated (see pp.26, 35, 36, etc.) ; occasional glosses ; effaced patronage statement at close of opening work (p.43), at close of second work (p.54), on 'title page' of third work (p.57), following selection of poetry (p.158), and following final work (p.168).
- Physical Description
86 leaves :
paper ;
230 x 140 (167 x 83) mm