[al-Qaṣīdah al-Ghawthīyah maʻa sharḥihā,
1233, i.e. 1817 or 1818].
[القصيدة الغوثية مع شرحها, 1233ه, 1817 أو 1818م].
- Language(s)
Arabic ; Persian
- Published
[1817 or 1818]
- Summary
Fine copy of the well-known Arabic poem attributed to ʻAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī with elucidation in Persian. Contributions to the cataloguing from Ali Rafi.
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 435
Origin: As appears in colophon, copied by Āghā Mīrzā student of Sayyid Amīr Dihlavī with transcription completed 1233 [1817 or 1818].
Binding: Pasteboards covered in black leather with maroon leather over spine (repair) ; Type III binding (without flap) ; doublures and doublure hinges in dark red leather ; upper and lower covers carry gold stamped mandorla, diamond-shaped pendants, cornerpieces and frame with floral and roundel designs and gold fillet accents ; sewn in yellow thread, six stations ; lacks endbands ; spine repair has been laid over flyleaves, restricting access to doublures and flyleaves themselves ; in poor condition with with much abrasion, red rot, cracking, moisture damage, pest damage, delamination, lifing of leather, etc. ; housed in envelope.
Support: non-European (Indian or Persian) laid paper with laid lines running horizontally spaced roughly 10 laid lines per cm., no chain lines visible, many inclusions ; paper of flyleaves and initial and final leaves of quire are barely burnished ; central leaves carrying text have been highly burnished and tinted where written area appears ; some ink and pigment burn.
Decoration: Illuminated headpiece (ʻunwān) at opening consists of rectangular piece, carrying the basmalah surrounded by gilt cloud-bands and flanked by floral pieces, surmounted by a scalloped semi-circular piece (dome) with floral vegetal decoration in lavender, white, green and yellow on fields of gold and blue ; entire piece is surmounted by vertical stalks (tīgh) in blue ; written area throughout is bordered by a frame with gold band and black, red and blue fillets ; gilt cloud-bands surround text throughout ; text rubricated with accompanying Persian text in red.
Script: Nastaʻlīq ; Arabic text in a very fine hand with exaggerated contrast in thickness between horizontal and vertical strokes reminiscent of the earlier calligraphic style of Mīr ʻImād al-Ḥasanī, final yāʼ unpointed ; Persian text in a small, neat nastaʻlīq ; all sans serif with characteristic descent of words to baseline and superscript of final words/letters.
Layout: Written in roughly 20 lines per page with a line for each hemistich and for its elucidation in Persian ; single column with the hemistiches aligned with opposite sides of the panel ; frame-ruled.
Collation: ii, V, ii ; single quinion (the first two and last two leaves of which are blank) ; alternating double pages are left blank ; lacks catchwords.
Colophon: "Scribal," somewhat triangular, mainly in Arabic, reads: "كتبه العبد المذنب آغا ميرزا تلميذ [؟] سيد امير دهلوى ۱۲۳۳ سلمه الله تعالى"
Explicit: "انا الجيلى محيى الدين اسمى واعلامى على راس الجبالى [الجبال]"
Incipit: "سقانى الحب كسات الوصالى [الوصال] فقلت لخمرتى نحوى تعالى"
Title supplied by cataloguer.
Ms. codex.
A few possible former shelfmarks or inventory marks: inscription in pencil, on front flyleaf "578 T. Dell [?]" and "225" on recto of folio carrying incipit page ; clean copy.
- Physical Description
10 leaves :
paper ;
223 x 130 (194 x 86) mm. bound to 228 x 134 mm
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University of Michigan