- Language(s)
- Published
[Herat], [1485]
- Summary
Elegant early copy of the five mesnevis of Mir Ali Şîr Nevâî (d.1501), including Ḣaĭratul-abror (حيرت الابرار / Ḥayrat al-abrār), Farhād va Shīrīn (فرهاد و شيرين, entitled Khusraw va Shīrīn in headpiece, see p.108), Laĭli va Mazhnun (ليلى و مجنون / Laylī va majnūn), Saddi Iskandariĭ (سد اسكندرى / Sadd-i Iskandarī, here entitled Iskandarnāmah, see pp.347-8) and Sabʺai saĭër (سبعه سياره / Sabʻa-yi sayyār, here entitled Haft paykar, see pp.531-2).
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 450
Origin: As appears in colophon at close of Saddi Iskandariĭ on p.530, copied by ʻAbd al-Salām ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad al-Marghīnānī al-Kāshgharī with transcription completed 16 Rajab 890 [ca. 29 July 1485] in Herat. Statement at close of Sabʺai saĭër (here entitled Haft paykar) on p.654 indicates completion in Ramaḍān 889 [September-October 1484].
Accompanying materials: a. Slip with notes in pencil on dating and copyist [from colophon on p.530] (paginated pp.1-2) -- b. Turquoise-tinted scrap with ḥadīth of the Prophet regarding inscription of the basmalah "قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من كتب بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وجوده فله الجنة صدق حبيب رب العالمين" (paginated pp.3-4) -- c. Recycled slip with notes (likely in hand of Winifred Smeaton Thomas) on paper types and papermaking, "Devlet Shah", etc. (paginated pp.5-6).
Former shelfmark: "504 T. De M. [i.e. Tammaro De Marinis" in pencil at close on p.654 ; "٨٩" in black ink on tail edge of text block.
Binding: Pasteboards covered in dark brown leather ; Type II binding (with flap, though now lost) ; doublures in red-brown leather with elongated central mandorla and cornerpieces in delicate filigree appliqué over blue paper as well as gold-tooled accents and border ; upper and lower covers carry gold-stamped mandorla (filled with vegetal composition reminiscent of Déroche class NSh 1), pendants, and cornerpieces as well as gold-painted accents and border in blind rules and a series of s-shaped stamps ; sewn in cream thread, two stations ; worked chevron endbands in red and cream, tab extending from spine leather (repair) protects headband, losses to tailband though core and primaries remain ; overall in somewhat poor condition with flap lost, abrasion, staining, lifting of leather, delamination of boards, opening leaf affixed to upper doublure, etc. ; repair to spine (rebacked) in brown leather.
Support: non-European laid paper with 7 laid lines per cm. (vertical, fairly distinct, some curving) and chain lines in pairs occasionally visible (see p.32, etc.), cloudy formation, somewhat thin, transluscent and crisp though dense and sturdy, cream color, well-sized and burnished ; staining and tidelines.
Decoration: Elegant illuminated headpiece at opening of each mesnevi (see incipit page of opening work and pp.108, 258, 348, 532), rectangular with central scalloped cartouche or lozenge carrying the title in gold (or black) set in a swirling arabesque (in gold, green or red), surrounded by further delicate arabesques (in green-blue and red on gold ground or gold on light blue ground) ; written area surrounded by gold frame defined by black fillets and outermost blue rule, divisions within defined by narrow gold bands ; headings and keywords rubricated.
Script: Nastaʻlīq ; elegant hand ; serifless with characteristic descent of words to baseline and superscripting of final words and letters ; elongation of horizontal strokes.
Layout: Written in 21 lines per page with written area divided to four columns ; frame-ruled.
Collation: IV (8), IV+1 (17), 3 IV(41), IV+1 (50), 9 IV(122), II (126), III+1 (133), 4 IV(165), IV-2 (171), IV-1 (178), 10 IV(258), II+1 (263), 7 IV(319), III (325) ; chiefly quinions ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (skips opening leaf now affixed to upper doublure and includes inserts).
Colophon: "Scribal," triangular, reads "توكاندى بنجشنبه كونى رجب آيى ينينك اون آلتى سيندا تاريخ سيكزيوز توقسان دا فى دار السلطنه هراة حميت عن الآفات بيتكجى سى عبد السلم ابن عبد الصمد المرغينانى ثم الكاشغرى غفر الله ذنوبهما وستر عيوبهما امين يا رب العالمين"
Incipit: "بسم الله الحرمن الرحيم رشته غه چكتى نجه دريتيم ..."
Title from ownership statements inscribed on incipit page at opening and 'title page' of each mesnevi.
Ms. codex.
Ownership statements in name of Shaykh Ṣanʻān (Şeyh Sanan) on incipit page of opening work and 'title pages' of following works (see p.107, 257, 347, 531), statement typically reads "خمسۀ نواى صاحب شيخ صنعان خطيب دركزين" ; ownership statement dated 25 Dhū al-Ḥijjah [?] 1235 [ca. 3 October 1820] on 'title page' of second work (p.107) in name of one Zīvar (Ziver / زیور), repeated at close on p.654 and accompanied by oval seal impression ; occasional glosses.
- Physical Description
325 leaves :
paper ;
240 x 180 (171 x 119) mm