[Mas̲navī-i maʻnavī :
mujallad-i chahārum va panjum va shishum,
late 16th or early 17th century?].
[مثنوى معنوى : مجلد چهارم و پنجم و ششم, پایان قرن 16 یا آغاز 17م؟].
- Language(s)
- Published
- Summary
Elegant copy of the fourth through sixth books (daftar / mujallad) of Mawlānā Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī's didactic poetical work in double verses. Final lines of the third book also appear on opening leaf (p.1).
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 293
Origin: As appears in colophon for sixth book ("المجلدة السادسة") on p.345, copied by Tursūn Muḥammad ibn Musāfir Ṣarrāf under the patronage ("بسعي واهتمام") of Ḥāfiẓ Yūsuf al-Bukhārī. Date of transcription not specified though decoration, etc. suggests late 16th or early 17th century (compare Isl. Ms. 270).
Accompanying materials: Scrap torn from a packet or advertisement with "بو مهره دقت اولنه" printed in black on one side and name only partially visible in gold [BAFRA ?]on reverse (between pp.166-167).
Former shelfmark: "522 T. D. M. [i.e. Tammaro De Marinis]" inscribed in pencil on verso of front flyleaf ; "١٠٩" in ink on spine label.
Binding: Pasteboards faced in dark green cloth with red leather over spine and edges / turn-ins (cloth faced and leather edged framed binding) ; Western style binding ; pastedowns and flyleaves in shell marbled paper (mainly in dark green, red and yellow) ; false raised bands as ridges on spine ; hollow back ; now sewn in white thread, four stations ; stuck-on endbands in pale green and white ; text block has certainly been trimmed ; overall in fair condition with some abrasion, staining, lifting of leather, some spine slant (slightly cocked), etc.
Support: non-European laid paper with 6 laid lines per cm. (vertical, somewhat indistinct) and no chain lines plainly visible ; transluscent and crisp though sturdy.
Decoration: Splendid illuminated headpiece (ʻunwān / sarlawḥ ) at opening of fourth book / daftar on p.2 consisting of a large (wide) rectangular piece with gold cartouche filled with swirling arabesque in red and flanked by pendants in gold overlaid with floral vegetal accents in gold, yellow, red, white, etc. on a blue ground (approaching lapis lazuli) with border in white and turquoise bands outlining heavy gold interlace, surmounted by rectangular piece with row of swirling arabesque on fields of lapis lazuli and gold with black and red accents, itself surmounted by vertical stalks (tīgh) in blue ; another splendid illuminated headpiece at opening of fifth book / daftar on p.104, very similar to the opening headpiece but with scalloped triangular piece (or hasp or dome, head lost to trimming) set in the upper rectangular piece ; at opening of sixth book on p.218, still another splendid illuminated headpiece of similar composition to the previous two but with even more elaborate arabesque and floral motifs and incorporation of an additional band of lozenges and eight-pointed stars (mainly in black, red and gold on a dark green ground overlaid with floral vegetal motifs and outlined in white) between the lower rectangular piece and upper rectangular piece with inset triangular piece or hasp ; written area (and columns within) throughout surrounded by a frame consisting of narrow gold band defined by gold fillets with outermost blue rule ; section headings, prefaces (mainly) and marginal numerals (marking verses) rubricated.
Script: Nastaʻlīq ; compact, elegant Transoxanian hand ; serifless, with effect of words descending to baseline, closed counters, and elongated horizontal strokes.
Layout: Written in 21 lines per page with written area divided into four columns (excluding prefaces and headings) ; frame-ruled.
Collation: i, 1+IV (9), 7 IV(65), IV+3 (76), IV-1 (83), IV-1 (90), 10 IV(170), I+1 (173), i ; almost exclusively quaternions (several anomalous) ; leaves now carrying pp.147-150 mistakenly bound between pp.146-151 though they should be between pp.166-167 (compare catchwords and line numbering) ; catchwords present though occasionally cut off ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.
Colophon: "Scribal," rectangular, mainly in Arabic, reads "تمت المجلدة السادسة من المثنوى المعنوى المولوى من كلام سلطان العلماء والمحققين ملك الابدال ... جلال الحق والدين محمد بن محمد بن الحسن البلخى ... بسعى واهتمام جناب فضايلمآب سعادت اكتساب حافظ يوسف البخارى على يد العبد الضعيف ترسون محمد بن مسافر صراف غفر الله لهم"
Incipit: "الصغن الرابع [؟] الى احسن المرائع واجل المنافع تسر قلوب العارفين بمطالعته كسر والرياض بصوت الغمام ... اي ضياء الحق حسام الدين توى كه گذشت از بنورت مثنوى ..."
Title supplied by cataloguer.
Ms. codex.
Inscriptions in pencil on front flyleaf "522 T. D. M. [i.e. Tammaro De Marinis]" ; circular seal impression in name of Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad Raḥīm (حافظ محمد رحيم) accompanies colophon / patronage statement at close on p.345, inscription within reads "الراجي من الله الكريم عبده حافظ محمد رحيم" ; occasional marginal corrections, glosses and notabilia (some rubricated), often partially lost to trimming ; lines numbered.
- Physical Description
173 leaves :
paper ;
205 x 160 (163 x 126) mm. bound to 208 x 170 mm
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University of Michigan