al-Maqṣid li-talkhīṣ mā fī al-Murshid,
[1142, i.e., 1730].
المقصد لتلخيص ما في المرشد, [1142ه، 1730م].
- Language(s)
- Published
- Summary
Fine copy of the abridgment by Abū Yaḥyá Zakarīyā ibn Muḥammad al-Anṣārī of al-Murshid fī al-waqf wa-al-ibtidāʼ, a work on recitation of the Qurʼān (specifically al-waqf wa-al-ibtidāʼ, i.e. sectioning or phrasing with pauses and starts) by Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn Alī ibn Saʻīd al-ʻUmānī.
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 476
Origin: As appears in colophon on p.382, copied by Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī al-Zardanāwī [?] with transcription completed 11 Rajab 1142 [ca. 30 January 1730].
Accompanying materials: a. Acquisitions slip from Yahuda -- b. Inventory cataloguing slip in hand of Winifred Smeaton Thomas.
Former shelfmark: From inner front cover, "IL 360" (likely supplied by Yahuda, see acquisitions slip).
Binding: Pasteboards covered in very dark brown to black leather ; Type II binding (with flap) ; board linings in yellow-tinted laid paper ; upper and lower covers carry blind-stamped lozenge-shaped pendant (filled with symmetrical vegetal composition, compare Déroche class. OSh 1) along with tooled rule border ; sewn in cream thread, four stations ; worked endbands in cream, headband in good condition, tailband gone ; overall in somewhat poor condition with upper cover fully detached, lifting and losses of leather at fore edge flap, abrasion, staining, some negative draw in upper cover, minor delamination of board in fore edge flap, etc. ; housed in box for protection.
Support: European laid paper with 10 laid lines per cm., chain lines spaced 19 mm. apart, and cartouche with "A D [?]" above grapes (raisin) watermark (see p.10, 11, 30, 31, etc.) ; quite well-burnished to glossy, crisp, thin and transluscent though sturdy ; some ink burn.
Decoration: Keywords and section headings rubricated.
Script: Naskh ; clear, medium 'Syrian' or Turkish [?] hand ; seriffed with right-sloping head-serifs on most ascenders (including free-standing alif), slight effect of tilt to the left, rounded with curvilinear descenders, pointing in strokes rather than distinct dots.
Layout: Written in 15 lines per page.
Collation: i, 19 V(190), I (192) ; almost exclusively quinions ; final leaf left blank ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.
Colophon: "Scribal," triangular, reads "وكان الفراغ منه صبحية يوم الاثنين في اا عشر يوما حلول من رجب سنه ۱۱۴۲ وذلك على يد محمد ابن علي الزردناوي [؟] اللهم اغفر له ولوالديه ولمشايخه ولاخوانه في الله تعالى ولكل المسلمين اجمعين امين امين امين"
Explicit: "قاله ابو عمرو ولم يزد الاصل في سورتي الفلق والناس على قوله وليس في الفلق والناس وقف حسن نعتمده تم الكتاب بعون الله وحسن توفيقه"
Incipit: "قال عمدة المحققين زين الملة والدين ابو يحيى زكريا الانصاري الشافعي ... الحمد لله على آلائه والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد واله واصفيائه وبعد فهذا مختصر المرشد في الوقف والابتداء الذي الفه العلامة ابو محمد الحسن بن علي بن سعيد العماني رحمه الله تعالى وقد التزم ان يورد فيه جميع ما اورده اهل هذا الفن ... وسميته المقصد لتلخيص ما في المرشد ..."
Title from opening matter (preface) on p.2.
Ms. codex.
Possible former inventory mark "٥٩" on tail edge and 'title page' (p.1) ; inscription vaguely reminiscent of the seal of Solomon inscription (with greatest name of God / al-Ism al-Aʻẓam) on 'title page' (p.1) ; fairly clean copy.
- Physical Description
192 leaves :
paper ;
163 x 115 (115 x 59) mm
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University of Michigan