[Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Ḥāshiyat al-Khayālī wa-Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Sharḥ Masʻūd al-Rūmī wa-Ḥadīth arbaʻīn,
late 16th century?].
[حاشية على حاشية الخيالي وحاشية على شرح مسعود الرومي وحديث اربعين, اواخر القرن 16م؟].
- Language(s)
- Published
- Subjects
Shirwānī, Masʻūd ibn Ḥusayn,
Shirwānī, Masʻūd ibn Ḥusayn, /
-1499 or 1500.
Shirwānī, Masʻūd ibn Ḥusayn, / -1499 or 1500. /
Sharḥ Risālat Ādāb al-baḥth.
Khayālī, Aḥmad ibn Mūsá,
Khayālī, Aḥmad ibn Mūsá, /
Khayālī, Aḥmad ibn Mūsá, / -1457?. /
Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Sharḥ al-ʻAqāʼid al-Nasafīyah.
Manuscripts, Arabic
Manuscripts, Arabic /
Manuscripts, Arabic / Michigan /
Ann Arbor.
Hadith /
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Dialectic /
Early works to 1800.
Islam /
Islam / Doctrines /
Early works to 1800.
- Summary
Fine copy of two glosses by Ramaḍān ibn ʻAbd al-Muḥsin al-Wayzawī, al-shahīr bi-Bihishti (al-Wazīrī al-Bihishtī in GAL, d. 979/1571-2), the first a supergloss on the gloss of al-Khayālī upon al-Taftāzānī's commentary on al-ʻAqāʼid al-Nasafīyah and the second a gloss upon the commentary by Kamāl al-Dīn Masʻūd al-Shirwānī al-Rūmī (d. 905/1499) on al-Samarqandī's (13th c.) treatise on disputation, Risālah fī ādāb al-baḥth, followed by a treatise by Kemalpaşazade (Ibn Kamāl) on forty hadith.
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 116
Origin: Authorial colophons indicate dates of composition for each of the two works by Bihishtī. As appears in authorial colophon on p.111, compilation and composition of Bihishtī's Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Ḥāshiyat al-Khayālī completed 18th Rajab 949 [ca. 28 October 1542]. As appears in authorial colophon on p.176, compilation/composition of Bihishtī's Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Sharḥ Masʻūd al-Rūmī completed in 959 [1551 or 1552]. Lacks dated scribal colophon ; paper likely suggests late 16th century.
Accompanying materials: Slips carrying notes (paginated pp.63-64 and pp.123-124).
Former shelfmark: British Museum, London "No. 106. Supercommentary on Risalah fi adab il-bahth." ; "۳٧٥" on tail edge of textblock.
Binding: Pasteboards now covered in bright orange coated and textured paper (embossed with scrolling vegetal designs), with brown leather over spine, fore-edge, and edges/turn-ins ; Type II binding (with flap) ; envelope flap and board linings in laid paper ; hinges in brown leather ; interior of envelope flap in faded marbled paper with blind stamped rosette in same brown leather ; sewn in cream thread, two stations, with occasional reinforcements sewn in pink thread ; only traces of endbands remain ; in poor condition with much lifting and tearing of paper, pest damage, staining, abrasion, delamination of boards, fore-edge flap ill-fitting, etc. ; repairs in cloth and textured tape.
Support: European laid paper mainly of two types ; first and second works on a European laid paper with 11 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain line spaced roughly 31 mm. apart (horizontal), and anchor in circle (with leaf above) watermark, quite thick with some inclusions ; final work on a thinner European laid paper with 11 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines spaced 32-33 mm. apart (horizontal), and bull's head (with eyes and double line above) watermark ; flyleaves in other European laid papers.
Decoration: Keywords, abbreviation symbols, and notabilia rubricated ; textual divders in the form of red discs.
Script: Nastaʻlīq (talik) ; likely two hands, with first two works supplied in one hand, and final work supplied in another hand ; virtually serifless ; mainly closed counters ; slight effect of tilt to the right and of words descending to baseline ; some exaggeration in thickness of horizontal strokes.
Layout: Written in 15 lines per page ; frame-ruled.
Collation: ii, 2 V(20), IV+1 (29), 1 (30), 2 V(50), II (54), 2 V(74), V+1 (85), V (95), II (99), ii ; chiefly quinions ; final word of last line on verso repeated at opening of first line on following recto ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes flyleaves and inserts and mistakenly skips two pages between pp.147-148).
Incipit: [Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Ḥāshiyat al-Khayālī] "الحمد لله المتكلم بالكلام وعلى رسوله الصلوة والسلام ... وبعد فيقول اضعف عباد الله القوي رمضان بن محسن الويزوي" ; [Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Sharḥ Masʻūd al-Rūmī] "الحمد لله حمد العاكفين ببابه والصلوة على محمد سيد احبابه ..." ; [Sharḥ Arbaʻīn ḥadīthan] "الحمد لله رب العالمين ... وبعد فقد روينا عن علي بن ابي طالب رضي [الله عنه] ان رسول الله ع م قال من حفظ على امتى اربعين حديثا من امر دينها بعثه الله تعالى يوم القيامة من زمرة الفقهاء والعلماء ... فامتثلت الاشارة العالية في جمع اربعين حديثا ... الحديث الاول السلام قبل الكلام ..."
Title supplied by cataloguer from inscriptions on front flyleaf (p.1) and opening of each text.
Ms. codex.
Bookplate of British Museum, London on interior of upper cover, "No. 106. Supercommentary on Risalah fi adab il-bahth." ; circular seal impression with figure of goat/gazelle in purple ink as well as inscription "454" in Western numerals on front flyleaf (p.1) ; circular waqf-seal impression in black ink appears on front flyleaf (p.1) and several places throughout, reads: "هذا وقف الراجي فيض الصمدي الشيخ احمد ضيا الدين ابن مصطفى الخالدي فمن بدله بعد ما سمعه فانما اثمه على الذين يبدلونه" in name of Aḥmad Ḍiyāʼ al-Dīn ibn Muṣṭafá al-Khālidī (i.e. Ahmed Ziyâüddîn Gümüşhanevî, d. 1893 or 4) ; also on front flyleaf (p.1) ownership statement reads "استصحبه الفقير ... في ١۲٠٧ [؟]" ; trace of oval seal impression on front flyleaf (p.1) ; on 'title page' (p.5) and at close of final text on p.201 waqf statement reads "وقف المرحوم محمد جلبى ابن عبد الرحمن جلبى" ; glosses and marginal corrections.
- Physical Description
99 leaves :
paper ;
197 x 143 (133 x 75) mm. bound to 197 x 150 mm
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University of Michigan