Undersøkelser over innhold av ugressfrø i melle, agner, høimo, husdyrgjødsel og kulturjord. 1900-1925.
Investigations respecting the content of weed-seeds in grain-screenings, chaff, hay-barn sweepings, farmyard manure and cultivated soil. 1900-1925. Untersuchungen über den gehalt an unkrautsamen in dreschabfall, spreu, heubodenkehricht, stalldünger und ackerboden. 1900-1925.
Av. Professor Dr. Emil Korsmo.
- Language(s)
- Published
Oslo, Johansen & Nielsens Boktrykkeri, 1935.
- Note
Summaries in Norwegian, English and German.
- Physical Description
1 p. l., 139 p.
tables, diagrs.
20 cm.