The book of birds,
common birds of town and country and American game birds,
by Henry W. Henshaw. Illustrated in natural colors with 250 paintings, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes; with chapters of "Encouraging birds around the home," by F. H. Kennard; "The mysteries of bird migration," by Wells W. Cooke; and "How birds can take their own portraits," by George Shiras, 3rd; and 45 illustrations and 13 charts in black and white.
- Related Names
Hoyt, John Southgate Yeaton, 1913-1951, former owner.
Shiras, George, 1859-
Cooke, Wells Woodbridge, 1858-1916.
Kennard, Frederic Hedge, 1865-
Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, 1874-1927., illus.
Henshaw, Henry W. (Henry Wetherbee), 1850-1930.
Peter and Pidge Curtiss Louis Agassiz Fuertes Collection.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, D. C., National Geographic Society, 1918.
- Note
"Published in part in 1914 under title: Common birds of town and country.
"In this volume are presented the principal articles and the most beautiful color illustrations of man's feathered friends which have been published in the National geographic magazine during the last six years."
- Physical Description
viii, 195 p.
illus. (part col. incl. maps)
26 cm.