Muʻīn al-ḥukkām fī mā yataraddadu bayna al-khiṣmayn min al-aḥkām,
[17th century].
معين الحكام في ما يتردد بين الخصمين من الاحكام, [القرن 17م].
- Language(s)
- Published
- Summary
Clear copy of the work on jurisprudence ; preceded by table of contents.
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 58
Origin: Lacks dated colophon. Paper would suggest early to mid 17th century. Note below close on fol.174a (p.349) appears to indicate that the text is in the hand of Muḥammad Chalabī [...?] al-Shaykh Yūsuf Afandī al-Qādirī ibn al-Ḥājjī [...?], "هذا الكتاب المستطاب بخط محمد چلبى ... الشيخ يوسف افندى القادرى بن الحاجى ...".
Former shelfmark: British Museum, London "No. 91. Muin al-hukkam."
Binding: Limp dark brown leather (unusual grain) with spine in black leather ; Type III binding (without flap) ; linings in shell marbled paper (blue, pink, yellow, red, orange, green, etc.) ; upper and lower covers bear blind-tooled fillets bordering three sides (excluding that adjacent to the spine) ; first three quires sewn in cream thread (likely repairs), remaining in red thread, two stations ; endbands in blue and cream, poor condition ; spine label carries title, subject and language "هذا كتاب معين الحكام في فقه الحنفية عربي" ; in fair condition with abrasion, detaching of upper cover, lifting of spine leather, etc.
Support: European laid paper of at least two types ; mainly with 7 laid lines per cm. vertical) and single chain lines spaced roughly 30 mm. apart (horizontal), three crescents watermark (compare Heawood 863-864), fairly thick ; other type with 13 laid lines per cm. (vertical) and single chain lines spaced roughly 26 mm. apart (horizontal), crossbow in circle (with trefoil above) watermark (compare Piccard nos.123860 and 123861), thinner ; lightly burnished ; not evenly trimmed ; worn with much staining.
Decoration: Keywords, section headings, abbreviations, and notabilia (side-heads) rubricated ; overlining in red ; textual dividers in the form of red inverted commas, three inverted commas, etc.
Script: Naskh with influence of nastaʻlīq ; Persian or Transoxanian hand (?) ; sans serif ; effect of words descending to baseling ; chiefly closed counters ; quite rounded and somewhat freely ligatured ; two dots in the form of inverted caret, three dots assimilated to a single flourish ; occasional ligature for kāf followed by alif, with alif curving up to meet the bar of the kāf (shaqq) forming a closed loop.
Layout: Written in 21 lines per page ; frame-ruled.
Collation: i, I (2), 16 V(162), V+1 (173), I (175) ; chiefly quinions ; fol.122b (p.246) left blank, unmarked ; final leaf carries table of contents ; catchwords present ; foliation in black ink, Hindu-Arabic numerals (begins with ۱ on page facing incipit page, mistakenly omits ٤٤, ٦٦, etc.) ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals (supplied during digitization, includes front flyleaf).
Explicit: "فان حالي ما شرحته في شرح كتاب الوقاية وهو مشهور والحمد لله العلي الغفور وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه اجمعين وسلم تسليما دائما كثيرا الى يوم القرار"
Incipit: "تبارك الذي ابدع الموجودات بقدرته وصنع انواع المخلوقات بعظمته ... اما بعد فان الله تع اكمل لنبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم دينه القويم ... لان الغرض بهذا التأليف ذكر قواعد هذا العلم وبيان ما تفصل به الاقضية من الحجج واحكام السياسة الشرعية وعدم الاستغناء باحدهما عن الاخر وسميته معين الحكام فيما يتردد بين الخصمين من الاحكام ..."
Title from 'title page' (fol.3a/p.7).
Ms. codex.
Bookplate of British Museum, London on upper cover, "British Museum, London. No. 91. Muin al-hukkam." ; circular seal impression with figure of goat/gazelle in purple ink as well as inscription "194" in Western numerals on verso of front flyleaf (p.2) ; on blue-tinted paper pasted on 'title page' (fol.3a/p.7), a detailed waqf statement in the name of al-Sayyid ʻAbd Allāh Adīb (Abdullah Edip), known as Jannatʹzādah (Cennet-zade), qāḍī of Erzurum, accompanied by his seal, reads: "وقفت وقفا صحيحا شرعيا بشرط ان لا يخرج من بيت الكتب الملتصق بداري الا لعلماء سكنوا بارضروم بكفيل مرعى اورهن قوي وانا الفقير السيد عبد الله اديب الشهير بجنت زاده القاضي بمدينة ارضروم في سنة اثنى وستين ومائتين والف" ; ownership statement on verso of front flyleaf reads "من ممتلكات [؟] الحقير عبد الفتاح بيك ..." ; oval seal impression (fairly illegible) on fol.175b (p.352) ; marginal corrections, glosses and notabilia (side-heads).
- Physical Description
175 leaves :
paper ;
207 x 152 (151-163 x 99-105) mm bound to 207 x 155 mm
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University of Michigan