Targum Erets Yiśraʼel la-Torah :
ketav yad Ṿatiḳan (Neʼofiṭi 1) : ha-Targum ha-Erets-Yiśreʼeli ha-ḳadum ṿeha-shalem le-khol ha-Torah, she-neḥeshav le-avud, ṿe-nitgaleh me-ḥadash ba-meʼah ha-aḥaronah bi-khetav yad yaḥid ba-ʻolam = The Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch : Codex Vatican (Neofiti 1) : the earliest and complete Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch, considered lost, and discovered during the last century in the only manuscript.
תרגום ארץ ישראל לתורה : כתב יד ותיקן (ניאופיטי 1) : התרגום הארץ ישראלי הקדום והשלם לכל התורה, שנחשב לאבוד, ונתגלה מחדש במאה האחרונה בכתב יד יחיד בעולם = The Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch : Codex Vatican (Neofiti 1) : the earliest and complete Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch considered lost, and discovered during the last century in the only existing manuscript
- Language(s)
- Published
Yerushalayim : Maḳor, 1970.
- Edition
140 photocopies, by special permission of the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticanna.
- Physical Description
2 v. (448 leaves) :
facsims. ;
35 cm