Behçet's disease :
translations of the original works by Benedictos Adamantiades and Hulûsi Behçet into English and commentary /
by Eric L. Matteson and Kenneth T. Calamia.
- Language(s)
- Published
Rochester, MN : Mayo Foundation for Education and Research, c2002.
- Note
Article by B. Adamantiades, originally published in Annales d'oculistique, vol. 168, 1931; article by Hulûsi Behc̦et, originally published in Dermatologische Wochenschrift, bd. 36, 1937.
Translations of: Sur un cas d'iritis a hypopion rècidivant by B. Adamantiades, and Ub̈er rezidivierende apthöse, durch ein Virus verursachte Geschwüre am Mund, am Auge und an den Genitalien by Hulûsi Behc̦et.
- Physical Description
xii, 20 p. :
ill., ports. ;
22 cm