Hans Christian Andersen :
from an artist's point of view : a lecture for International Children's Book Day /
presented on May 1, 1987 by Erik Blegvad ; edited by Sybille A. Jagusch with the assistance of Margaret N. Coughlan.
APA Citation
Blegvad, E., Coughlan, M. N., Jagusch, S. A., Children's Literature Center (Library of Congress). (1988). Hans Christian Andersen: from an artist's point of view : a lecture for International Children's Book Day. Washington: Children's Literature Center, Library of Congress.
MLA Citation
Blegvad, Erik, Margaret N. Coughlan, Sybille A Jagusch, and Children's Literature Center (Library of Congress). Hans Christian Andersen: From an Artist's Point of View : a Lecture for International Children's Book Day. Washington: Children's Literature Center, Library of Congress, 1988.