[Pamphlets in philology and the humanities.
Vol. 19].
APA Citation
Hall, G. Stanley (Granville Stanley)., Jennings, H. (Herbert Spencer)., Scripture, E. W. (Edward Wheeler)., Cooper, L., Boucke, E. A. (Ewald Augustus)., Von Helmholtz-Phelan, A. Augusta., Sanders, H. A. (Henry Arthur)., Dawson, G. Ellsworth., Meader, C. Linton., Hempl, G., Bagehot, W., Wells, C. Wetmore., Lessing, O. Eduard., Wells, R., Howard, C., Rhyne, O. Pearle., Woodward, C. M. (Calvin Milton)., Geddes, J., Baudouin de Courtenay, J. Niecisław., Thorpe, M. Harrold., Schurz, C., Scott, F. Newton., Cary, E., De Forest, J. H. (John Hyde)., Thompson, S. Millett., National Education Association of the United States. Department of Superintendence., University of Michigan., Societas Rugbiana Colloquii Latini Graecique., University of Illinois. College of Engineering., University of Michigan. Dept. of English. (18901910). [Pamphlets in philology and the humanities. [S.l.: s.n..
MLA Citation
University of Michigan. Dept. of English, et al.. [Pamphlets In Philology And the Humanities. [S.l.: s.n., 18901910.