The Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom were referred sundry memorials of the citizens of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin, praying Congress to take measures to open a canal around the Falls of St. Mary's at the outlet of Lake Superior; also a bill proposing an appropriation for that object...
APA Citation
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Roads and Canals., Porter, J. Madison. The Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom were referred sundry memorials of the citizens of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin, praying Congress to take measures to open a canal around the Falls of St. Mary's at the outlet of Lake Superior; also a bill proposing an appropriation for that object... Washington; 1844.
MLA Citation
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Roads and Canals, and James Madison Porter. The Committee On Roads And Canals, to Whom Were Referred Sundry Memorials of the Citizens of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, And Wisconsin, Praying Congress to Take Measures to Open a Canal Around the Falls of St. Mary's At the Outlet of Lake Superior; Also a Bill Proposing an Appropriation for That Object... Washington; 1844,