al-Qawl al-mubdiʻ fī sharḥ al-muqniʻ :
[17th century?] /
li-Sibṭ al-Māridīnī.
القول المبدع في شرح المقنع : manuscript، [القرن 17م؟]
- Language(s)
- Subjects
Ibn al-Hāʼim, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad,
Ibn al-Hāʼim, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, /
Ibn al-Hāʼim, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, / -1412. /
Muqniʻ fī ʻilm al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah.
Algebra /
Early works to 1800.
Mathematics, Arab
Mathematics, Arab /
Early works to 1800.
Manuscripts, Arabic
Manuscripts, Arabic /
Manuscripts, Arabic / Michigan /
Ann Arbor.
- Summary
"A commentary on Al-Muqniʻ, a poem on algebra by Shihāb al-Dīn ibn al-Hāʼim." Cataloging by Elinor M. Husselman, 1945.
- Note
Watermarks: IMSC in roman; three crescents. For the latter see Edward Heawood, Watermarks, Mainly of the 17th and 18th Centuries (Hilversum, 1950), p. 24.
In Maghribī script.
Text rubricated; corrections and marginal notes in hand of copyist and other, non-Maghribī, hands.
For other abridgments of and commentaries on Ibn al-Hāʼim's Muqniʻ, see Mich. Isl. Mss. 700, 701, and 702.
Purchased in Cairo, 1933/34. Owner's mark: on p. [1], manuscript notes in handwriting of Max Meyerhof.
- Physical Description
v. ([35] p. on 9 lvs.) ;
25 cm
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University of Michigan