Miscellanea curiosa.
Containing a collection of some of the principal phænomena in nature, accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this age: being the most valuable discourses, read and delivered to the Royal society, for the advancement of physical and mathematical knowledge. As also a collection of curious travels, voyages, antiquities, and natural histories of countries; presented to the same society. To which is added, A discourse of the influence of the sun and moon on human bodies, &c. /
By R. Mead ... And also Fontenelle's Preface of the usefulness of mathematical learning ...
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Printed by W. B. for James and John Knapton, 1723-27.
- Edition
3d ed.
- Note
Vol. 3 has imprint: London, Printed for James and John Knapton [etc.]
Vol. III has title: Miscellanea curiosa. Containing a collection of curious travels, voyages, and natural histories of countries, as they have been delivered in to the Royal society.
"The laws of stereographick projection laid down and demonstrated by Ja. Hodgson": v. 2, 362-372.
Largely composed of the editor's contributions to the Philosophical transactions.
Vol. 1, 3d edition, 1726; v. 2, 1723; v. 3, 2d edition, 1727, revised and corrected by W. Derham.
- Physical Description
3 v. :
front., plates (part fold.) fold. maps, fold plan, fold. diagrs. ;
20 1/2cm.