Two journeys to Jerusalem.
Containing first, A strange and true account of the travels of two English pilgrims some years since, and what admirable accidents befel them in their journey to Jerusalem, Grand Cairo, Alexandria, &c. Secondly, The travels of fourteen Englishmen in 1669, to Jerusalem, Bethlem, Jericho, the river Jordan, the lake of Sodom and Gomorrah, &c. With the antiquities, monuments, and memorable places mentioned in Scripture /
By T. B. To which are prefixed, memorable remarks upon the antient and modern state of the Jewish nation. As.
A description of the Holy Land, its situation, fertility, &c.
The several captivities of the Jews, after they were possess'd thereof.
Probable conjectures of what is become of the ten tribes who were carried captives by the Assyrians, with divers pertinent relations pursuant there to ...
The state of the Jews since their extermination, with the present condition of Palestine. Together with a relation of the great council of the Jews in the plains of Hungaria in 1650, to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. By S[amuel] B[rett] an Englishman there present. With an account of the wonderful delusion of the Jews by a false Christ at Smyrna, in 1666. Lastly, the final extirpation and destruction of the Jews in Persia in 1666 and the occasion thereof. Collected by R. B. [psued.]
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Printed and sold by all the booksellers, 1759.
- Note
"The proceedings about the Jews in England, in the year 1655": p. 145-152.
"The counterfeit Messiah, or false Christ of the Jews at Smyrna, in the year 1666. Written by an English person of quality there resident." (An account of Sabatai Sevi): p. 108-139.
"A brief chronology concerning the Jews, from the year of Christ, 1650, to 1666. By Nath. Homes, D. D.": p. 103-108.
"A strange and true account of the travels of two English pilgrims" (Henry Timberlake and John Burrell) was written by Henry Timberlake, and originally published in 1603.
Several errors in paging.
- Physical Description
150 (i. e. 160) p. :
front. ;
15 x 10cm.
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University of Michigan