Europa im Lied;
eine Sammlung alter Volksweisen, gesetzt für Singstimme (ad libitum), Blockflöten, Glockenspiele, Metallophone oder/und andere Melodieinstrumente (solistisch oder chorisch), kleine Pauken und kleines Schlagwerk. Europe in song; a collection of old folk tunes arr. for voice (ad libitum), recorders, glockenspiels, metallophones or/and other melody instruments (solo or chorally), small timpani and small percussion. L'Europe en chansons.



Item Link Original Source
Limited (search only)   v.1 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   v.2 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   v.3 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   v.4 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   v.5 University of Michigan