Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Bodleianae ...
- Language(s)
- Published
Oxford, 1845-19.
- Note
Title varies slightly, and does not appear on pt. 8², 10¹-², 11, and 12²; it is in the form of a series note at head of title on pt. 12¹, 13 and 11, Imprint varies: pt. 1, 4, 5¹, and 7, Oxonii, e typographeo academico, 1818-85. pt. 5²-⁶, 6, 8¹, 9, and 11, Oxonii, e typographeo Clarendo niano. 1864-1900. pt. 10, Oxford, University press, 1845.--pt. 8², 10 index, 12¹-², 13 and 14, Oxford, Clarendon press, 1866-1918.
- Physical Description
v. ;
30 cm. and +
atlas of 40 facsim. 53 x 40 cm