Housing and welfare officials confer;
a summary of discussion at the Joint conference of housing and welfare officials, Chicago, May 11-13, 1939 ...
- Language(s)
- Published
Chicago, Ill., Public administration service, 1939.
- Note
"The document that follow represents a summary of a 377-page transcript covering the three-day conference. An effort has been made to report every important idea that was brough forward in the course of the discussions and to represent the varying points of view of the conferees."--Foreword.
A joint conference called by Public administration clearing house for two purposes: first, to secure an exchange of views between public welfare and public housing officials on administrative problems of common interest to both groups; and second, "to assist the activites of the Joint committee on housing and welfare of the two organizations which had requested the conference, namely, the American public welfare association and the National association of housing officials." cf. Foreword.
- Physical Description
iv p., 1 l., 19 p.
26 1/2cm.
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University of Michigan