Polynesian mythology and ancient traditional history of the Maori as told by their priests and chiefs.
Edited by W. W. Bird. Illustrated by Russell Clark.
- Language(s)
English ; Maori
- Published
New York, Taplinger Pub. Co. [1970, c1956]
- Note
First published in London in 1854 under title, "Mythology and traditions of the New Zealanders. Ko nga mahinga a nga tupuna Maori he mea kohikohi mai," with Maori text only. An English translation was published under title: Polynesian mythology and ancient traditional history of the New Zealand race, as furnished by their priests and chiefs. A 2d ed., with the same title as the English translation, included a reprint of the original Maori text. The 3d ed., with Maori text only, was published under title: Nga mahi a nga tupuna.
- Physical Description
249 p.
23 cm.