Viruses of plants :
their isolation, purification, and characterization ; the mechanism of plant virus infection, synthesis of viral protein and viral nucleic acid, and plant reactions evoked by viruses ; proceedings /
edited by A. B. R. Beemster and Jeanne Dijkstra.
APA Citation
International Conference on Plant Viruses (1965 : Wageningen, N., Dijkstra, J., Beemster, A. B. R., Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen. Laboratory of Virology., Instituut voor Plantenziektenkundig Onderzoek (Wageningen, N. (1966). Viruses of plants: their isolation, purification, and characterization ; the mechanism of plant virus infection, synthesis of viral protein and viral nucleic acid, and plant reactions evoked by viruses ; proceedings. Amsterdam: North Holland Pub. Co. .
MLA Citation
Instituut voor Plantenziektenkundig Onderzoek (Wageningen, N, et al.. Viruses of Plants: Their Isolation, Purification, And Characterization ; the Mechanism of Plant Virus Infection, Synthesis of Viral Protein And Viral Nucleic Acid, And Plant Reactions Evoked by Viruses ; Proceedings. Amsterdam: North Holland Pub. Co. , 1966.