Atoms to Andromeda:
selected lectures on theoretical physics,high-energy nuclear and cosmic ray research,plasma and thermonuclear physics,astronomy,astrophysics and electronic computing.
aEdited by S.T.Butler and H.Messel.
APA Citation
Nuclear Research Foundation Summer Science School for High-School Students. University of Sydney.1966., Messel, H. (Harry)., Butler, S. T. (Stuart Thomas)., University of Sydney. Nuclear Research Foundation. (1966). Atoms to Andromeda: selected lectures on theoretical physics,high-energy nuclear and cosmic ray research,plasma and thermonuclear physics,astronomy,astrophysics and electronic computing. : Pergamon.
MLA Citation
Nuclear Research Foundation Summer Science School for High-School Students. University of Sydney.1966, H. (Harry) Messel, S. T. (Stuart Thomas) Butler, and University of Sydney. Nuclear Research Foundation. Atoms to Andromeda: Selected Lectures On Theoretical Physics,high-energy Nuclear And Cosmic Ray Research,plasma And Thermonuclear Physics,astronomy,astrophysics And Electronic Computing. : Pergamon, 1966.