Catalogus bibliothecae Harleianae,
in locos communes distributus cum indice auctorum.
- Related Names
Askew, Anthony, 1722-1774, former owner.
Osborne, Thomas, -1767.
Maittaire, Michael, 1667-1747.
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784.
Oldys, William, 1696-1761.
- Language(s)
English ; Latin
- Published
Londini : apud Thomam Osborne, 1743-45.
- Note
Ex copy 2 is two copies of vol. 1-4, priced in ms., with recto and verso of each leaf mounted on recto of leaf of triple-ply (vol. 1-8) or double-ply (vol. 9-16) laid paper, extending 4 vols. to 16; in contemporary calf.
Ex copy 2 is Anthony Askew's copy; in each volume is 19th-century armorial bookplate with initials H. A. and Askew motto and crest.
Ex copy 2 has spine title: Bibliotheca Harliana [sic].
Vol. 1 = pp. 1-126. Vol. 2 = pp. 127-204. Vol. 3 = pp. 265-380. Vol. 4 = pp. 381-488. Vol. 5 = pp. 489-624. Vol. 6 = pp. 625-765. Vol. 7 = pp. 766-926. Vol. 8 = pp. 927-1034,1-37. Vol. 9 = pp. 103-202. Vol. 10 = pp. 1-102. Vol. 11 = pp. 203-302. Vol. 12 = pp. 303-408. Vol. 13 = pp. 409-517. Vol. 14 = pp. 518-634. Vol. 15 = pp. 635-749. Vol. 16 = pp. 750-858.
Ex (RCPPG) copy: in 5 volumes.
Collection rich in early editions of the Greek and Latin classics, early English poetry and romances, books of prints, and Caxtons.
Vols. 1-2, 3-4 paged continuously.
- Physical Description
5 v. ;
23 cm.