Lowe's collection of reels, strathspeys, & jigs. :
Being a new and complete selection of the best dancing tunes in their proper keys, as performed at the different assemblies and public meetings throughout Scotland. Carefully arranged with appropriate basses for the piano forte & violoncello. Book 1[-6].
APA Citation
Lowe, J. (185). Lowe's collection of reels, strathspeys, & jigs.: Being a new and complete selection of the best dancing tunes in their proper keys, as performed at the different assemblies and public meetings throughout Scotland. Carefully arranged with appropriate basses for the piano forte & violoncello. Book 1[-6]. Edinburgh: Patterson & Roy.
MLA Citation
Lowe, Joseph, 1797-1866. Lowe's Collection of Reels, Strathspeys, & Jigs.: Being a New And Complete Selection of the Best Dancing Tunes In Their Proper Keys, As Performed At the Different Assemblies And Public Meetings Throughout Scotland. Carefully Arranged With Appropriate Basses for the Piano Forte & Violoncello. Book 1[-6]. Edinburgh: Patterson & Roy, 185.