Turbervile's Booke of hunting, 1576.
- Language(s)
- Published
[Oxford] Clarendon press, 1908.
- Note
"The measures of blowing set downe in the notes ...": 4 p. of music at end.
Original title: The noble arte of venerie or hvnting wherein is handled and set out the vertues, nature, and properties of fiuetene sundrie chances togither, with the order and maner how to hunte and kill euery one of them. Translated and collected for the pleasure of all noblemen and gentlemen, out of the best approued authors...reduced into such order and proper termes as are vsed here, in this noble realme of England.
"Reprinted page for page and line for line from the Bodleian copy of the black-letter edition of 1576."
- Physical Description
250 p.
20 cm.