Documente privitoare la istoria României, culese din arhivele polone :
secolul al XVII-lea /
Ilie Corfus.
- Language(s)
Romanian ; Church Slavic ; Latin ; Polish
- Published
București : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1983.
- Note
Title on verso of t.p.: Documents about Romania's history collected from the Polish archives. The XVIIth century.
Title on verso of t.p.: Dokumenty otnosetelʹno istorii Rumynii, obnaruzhennye v polʹskikh arkhivakh. XVII-vek.
Includes index.
Church Slavic, Latin, and Polish documents with translation and commentary in Romanian.
- Physical Description
xii [i.e. xxii], 363 p. ;
25 cm