Zbirnyk na poshanu prof. d-ra Volodymyra I͡Aneva /
[redaktor Oleksa Horbach ; redakt͡siĭna kolegii͡a Hryhoriĭ Vasʹkovych and others] = Symbolae in honorem Volodymyri Janiw / [praeses Olexa Horbatsch ; collegium redactorum membra Hryhorij Waskowycz and others].
- Language(s)
Ukrainian ; Czech ; English ; French ; German ; Polish
- Published
Mi͡unkhen : Universitas Libera Ucrainensis, 1983.
- Note
Portions of text in Czech, English, French, German, and Polish.
- Physical Description
1096 p. :
ill., port. ;
25 cm.