Letters and memorials of state, in the reigns of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James, King Charles the First, part of the reign of King Charles the Second, and Oliver's usurpation.
Written and collected by Sir Henry Sydney; the famous Sir Philip Sydney; and his brother Sir Robert Sydney; Robert, the second earl of Leicester; Philip, lord viscount Lisle; and of his brother, Colonel Algernon Sydney. Together with letters of the other ministers of state, with whom they held a correspondence. The whole containing the antient state of Ireland; with characters and private memoirs. Also, the antient government of the principality of Wales. The wars between the Spaniards, and the States-General in the Netherlands. Negotiations between the courts of England, France, &c. The intriegues of the several courts of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles the First. With other remarkable transactions, both at home and abroad, during those times, not hitherto known. Faithfully transcribed from the originals. Whereunto is added, genealogical and historical observations: also memoirs of the lives and actions of the Sydneys, and their noble ancestors, the Dudleys, Grey, Talbot, Beauchamp, Berkley, and Lisle; and a defence of Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, wrote by Sir Philip Sydney. Collected from records, their last wills and testaments, original papers, authentick manuscripts, and our most approved historians. By Arthur Collins, esq.



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