A psalter and hours executed before 1270 for a lady connected with St. Louis, probably his sister Isabelle of France, founder of the Abbey of Longchamp :
now in the collection of Henry Yates Thompson /
described by S.C. Cockerell in relation to the companion psalter of St. Louis in Paris ; with photogravures of all the miniatures by Emery Walker.
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Chiswick Press, 1905.
- Note
For a more recent discussion of the ms. and different identification of the Isabella for whom it was made, cf. Manuscript painting in Paris during the reign of Saint Louis / Robert Branner. c1977.
The Isabella psalter is now in Cambridge University (Ms. Fitzwilliam 300).
Half title: The psalter and hours of Isabelle of France.
- Physical Description
36 p., xxv leaves of plates :
facsims. ;
29 x 37 cm.
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University of Michigan