Discorsi di monsignore don Vincenzio Borghini.
Parte prima[-seconda].
Recati à luce da'deputati per suo testamento. Con la tavola delle cose piv notabili.
- Language(s)
- Published
In Fiorenza, Nella stamperia di Filippo, e Iacopo Giunti, e fratelli, 1584-1585.
- Note
Signatures, pt. 1: [dagger]⁴ A-2P⁴ 2Q-2R⁸ 2S-2T² 3A-3M⁸ 3N⁴ (G2 missigned F2; Rr8 blank). Pt. 2: [dagger]² A-2V⁴ [double dagger]² 3A-4K⁴ ²A-G4 (2K2 missigned K2). Irregularites in paging; see Mortimer.
Both vols. include indexes.
Pt. 2 includes Trattato della chiesa e vescovi fiorentini, with special added t.-p. Its paging is continuous with the preceding sections, but [double dagger]² with the special t.-p. and the dedication are unpaged.
Giunti device on t.p.'s of both pts. and on added t.p. following 2V4, v. 2. A different form of device incorporating the initial F appears on last leaves of both pts. Some in-text woodcut ill. Port. of Borghini on verso of both t.p.'s in pt. 2, the 1st with his name and age lettered around the image. Four folded double leaves with 6 plates in pt. 1 signed Ss1-2, Tt1-2. Folded double plate with facsim. following D1, pt. 2. Double-page plate of Florentine coats of arms following G4, pt. 2. Historiated initials. Type ornament head and tail pieces.
- Physical Description
2 pts.
ill., folded plates including coats of arms, facsim., 2 ports.
24 cm. (4to)