A new description of Holland, and the rest of the United Provinces in general.
Containing their government, laws, religion, policy, and strength; their customs, manners, and riches; their trade to the Indies, and their fishery and bank, with a particular account of Amsterdam, Hague, Roterdam, and the other principal cities, of Holland.
APA Citation
(1701). A new description of Holland, and the rest of the United Provinces in general: Containing their government, laws, religion, policy, and strength; their customs, manners, and riches; their trade to the Indies, and their fishery and bank, with a particular account of Amsterdam, Hague, Roterdam, and the other principal cities, of Holland. London: Printed for H. Rhodes.
MLA Citation
A New Description of Holland, And the Rest of the United Provinces In General: Containing Their Government, Laws, Religion, Policy, And Strength; Their Customs, Manners, And Riches; Their Trade to the Indies, And Their Fishery And Bank, With a Particular Account of Amsterdam, Hague, Roterdam, And the Other Principal Cities, of Holland. London: Printed for H. Rhodes, 1701.