A politica dos princepes de Italia,
compilda pelo dr. José de Sousa Pereira. Manuscrito inédito do seculo XVII.
- Language(s)
- Published
Lisboa, 1933.
- Note
The text here published for the first time is one of 12 short historical works of the 17th-18th cent. included in a ms. collection with title: Papeis politicos que respeitão muitas das negociações deste reynõ. The ms., then in the possession of Amzalak, who here gives a brief description of it (p. [5]-[9]) is now in the Univ. of Michigan Library.
"Tiragem cento e cincoenta exemplaires."
At head of title: Moses Bensabat Amzalak.
- Physical Description
64, [3] p.
20 cm.