The Norse discovery of America;
a compilation in extensió of all the sagas, manuscripts, and inscriptive memorials relating to the finding and settlement of the New world in the eleventh century. With presentations of freshly discovered proofs, in the form of church records supplied by the Vatican of Rome, never before published.
Translations and deductions by Arthur Middleton Reeves, North Ludlow Beamish, Hon. Rasmus B. Anderson. Hon. Rasmus B. Anderson, LL. D., editor in chief. J. W. Buel, PH. D., managing editor.
APA Citation
Buel, J. W. (James William)., Buel, J. W. (James William)., Anderson, R. B. (Rasmus Bjørn)., Beamish, N. Ludlow., Reeves, A. Middleton. (1907). The Norse discovery of America: a compilation in extensió of all the sagas, manuscripts, and inscriptive memorials relating to the finding and settlement of the New world in the eleventh century. With presentations of freshly discovered proofs, in the form of church records supplied by the Vatican of Rome, never before published. London: Norrœna society.
MLA Citation
Reeves, A. Middleton, et al.. The Norse Discovery of America: a Compilation In Extensió of All the Sagas, Manuscripts, And Inscriptive Memorials Relating to the Finding And Settlement of the New World In the Eleventh Century. With Presentations of Freshly Discovered Proofs, In the Form of Church Records Supplied by the Vatican of Rome, Never Before Published. London: Norrœna society, 1907.