The first three English books on America 1511>-1555 A. D.. :
Being chiefly translations, compilations, &c., by Richard Eden, from the writings, maps, &c. of Pietro Martire, of Anghiera (1455-1526) ... Sebastian Münster, the cosmographer (1489-1552) ... Sebastian Cabot, of Bristol (1474-1557) ... with extracts, &c., from the works of other Spanish, Italian and German writers of the time. /
Edited by Edward Arber.
- Language(s)
English ; Spanish ; Italian ; German
- Published
Birmingham : [Printed by Turnbull & Spears, Edinburgh], 1885.
- Note
Index of personal names and names of places, chiefly outside Europe.
Londini, In ædibus Guilhelmi Powell. Anno. 1555.
The third English book on America: The decades of the newe worlde or west India, conteynying the nauigations and conquestes of the Spanyardes, with the particular description of the moste ryche and large landes and Ilandes lately founde in the west Ocean perteynying to the inheritaunce of the kinges of Spayne ... Written in the Latine tounge by Peter Martyre of Angleria, and translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden.
The second English book on America: A treatyse of the newe India, with other new founde landes and Ilandes, aswell eastwarde as westwarde, as they are knowen and found in these oure dayes, after the description of Sebastian Munster in his boke of vniversall Cosmographie ... Translated out of Latin into Englishe. By Rycharde Eden.
Preface contains an account of the earliest English voyages to America.
Half-title (p. 1-2): "Richard Eden's contribution to our literature ..."
With reprints of original title-pages.
- Physical Description
xlviii, 408 p. ;
29 x 23 cm
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University of Michigan