Implementing Title IX in physical education and athletics :
application booklet for physical activity specialists /
Barb Landers, National Foundation for the Improvement of Education, Resource Center on Sex Roles in Education.
APA Citation
Landers, B., National Foundation for the Improvement of Education. Resource Center on Sex Roles in Education., United States. Office of Education. (1978). Implementing Title IX in physical education and athletics: application booklet for physical activity specialists. Washington: Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off..
MLA Citation
Landers, Barb, National Foundation for the Improvement of Education. Resource Center on Sex Roles in Education, and United States. Office of Education. Implementing Title IX In Physical Education And Athletics: Application Booklet for Physical Activity Specialists. Washington: Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1978.